Grace Bishop Police Report

Police Report of 6.10.23 and the related posts: The Rage Of Ms. Bishop, The Crazy Dictator-Queen Of The 2900 Ocean Avenue Condo … July 1, 2023 – June 7, 2023

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Police Report of 6.10.23: Scan – Police Report – 6.10.23 

See the Related Posts: 

11:28 AM 7/1/2023 – The rage of Ms. Bishop, the crazy dictator-queen of the 2900 Ocean avenue Condo …

Update – 1:38 PM 6/30/2023

Tips for winning your HOA board election

How to win the election in your condo? – Google Search

To all nominated candidates: Please, write a brief auto-biographical sketch to introduce yourselves to the voters. 

Nominated Candidates: “We will fight for our Rights!” – 6.28.23

Letters to the owners nominated to serve on the Condo Board – 6.26.23

Vote verification – 10:18 AM 6/25/2023

Proposed Ballot Template

Update and Nominations

Election Ballot Templates

Election Entirely by Mail

What causes poor group dynamics? Poor group dynamics may develop as a result of: Poor or weak leadership, which may result in competition between group members, development of subgroups or factions, and lack of direction or focus across the group. Too much respect or deference for the leader. | Psychological dynamics in a group of condo owners under 100 members – Google Search

Update – 11:01 AM 6/19/2023

Referendum Information – 6.16.23


To the current owners – Opinion Poll – 6.14.23

THE PERVERSION of American Democracy

Iowa Building Collapse: 5 Still Missing – The New York Times, and other stories: Condo News

Democracy Starts At Your Condo! – Posts Review – Flyer – 3:38 PM 6/13/2023

Enticing Your Way to a Quorum | New York City Condo Owner Rights Lawyer | And other stories

The Right to Access Condo Governing Documents

Recent Posts: Grace Bishop is a crazy woman. If she does not like you, she will come to your door, will start banging on it, and will try to beat you with a stick. Ms. Bishop: I think that you suffer from Rage Attacks …

You can fight back against a bully condo board and help create a better living environment for everyone involved.

Grace Bishop is a crazy woman. If she does not like you, she will come to your door, will start banging on it, and will try to beat you with a stick. Ms. Bishop: I think that you suffer from Rage Attacks, as exemplified by the recent episode, described in the related posts. Your ability and fitness to occupy any elected position should be questioned. M.N. | 2:11 PM 6/11/2023

12:16 PM 6/11/2023 – Posts Review

Grace Bishop is a crazy woman. If she does not like you, she will come to your door, will start banging on it, and will try to beat you with a stick.

For many yeas, THERE WAS NO QUORUM, and this crazy woman, Grace Bishop, continued to rule this Condo by decree and by default.

M.N.: Grace Bishop, I think that you are a crazy woman and the danger to the public peace and order. I think, you have to be committed to the Kings County Hospital. And I will help you with that. You just signed your Resignation Letter. With your deeds. 

GRACE BISHOP IS A CRAZY WOMAN! | Update – 1:49 PM 6/10/2023

Update – 11:14 AM 6/10/2023 – Flyer

Who is Roman Kalika? | Violations: This owner/manager has a total of 81 violations which is 3.37 violations per unit for their entire portfolio. That is worse than the city average, which is 0.59 violations per unit. M.N.: His violations rate is FIVE TIMES MORE THAN THE CITY AVERAGE.

11:32 AM 6/9/2023 – To Phill Newman

Opinion Poll: Do you approve the selection of the Brownstone Property Group? | The 2900 Ocean Avenue Condo – Review – 2:01 PM 6/7/2023

We need a copy of this Condo’s Offering Plan as the guide to the Referendum. If someone has a copy, send it to me.

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