Condo Owners: Know Your Rights! | Posts Review | Opinion Poll | Pages

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Know Your Rights: Legal Rights for Condo Owners 

The Right to Access Condo Documents: Condo owners can, at any time or for any purpose, request to see the association’s governing documents, as well as financial reports, annual budgets, board meeting minutes, vendor contracts, reserve account statements, and insurance policies … Following a written request, the board must provide the documents to the condo owner. 

The Right to Protest: Condo owners have a right to expect that their board will perform their fiduciary duties to the association.

If not, you have the right to remove board members who abuse their authority or are unable to fulfill their duties.

Condo owners also have the right to protest rules and regulations that are unfair, discriminatory, or onerous.

File Legal Action Against the Association

legal action against COA | condominium owner rights

Condo owners have the right to take legal action against the association or other condo owners.  They can file for damages or injunctive relief on board members or owners who fail to comply with the governing documents and condo laws. 

May 27, 2023

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